Cushings Disease in Dogs: Natural Treatment 2016

This is Dr Andrew Johns in this issue of energy secrets I'm gonna discuss

Cushing's disease in dogs the signs the causes and natural treatments
takings disease in dogs so Cushing's disease is typically seen in our small breed or their dogs I've got Luis here as a demonstration he's my one demonstration dog and I'm going down on the poor kitty just more comfortable than being up in the exam table but I'll use him to demonstrate the clinical signs of things you can look for if you suspect your God we have Cushing's disease. so I said earlier typical typically we're dealing with smaller but older dogs they get clinical signs or increased drinking increased urination also known as PPT or drinking or they're going back for more often and other clinical signs pretty typical to see these just ended swing bellies 30 see their abdomen to start a hanging down here and what happened is that the disease itself as an increase in the amount of cortisol and liq weekend variety of models but in particular the muscles that hold up the belly the
abdomen and you have to see this sort ofthis attended wing Adam also known as sort of a potbelly the other big changes is pretty typically will see skin related changes to these guys would typically come into the practices release party hair coat so they thought you know they've lost a lot of here at times it can be symmetric may be associated with recurring skin infections sometimes they can have a condition called calcinosis cutis wher they got to get rid of calcium deposits in little white plot looking things right underneath the skin how much water is normal get asked that alot especially in practice clients to check their dog drinking more than they shared so on average give or take obviously it's more of your drugs exercising more but if it's hard to it should be about 1 cup of water for 10 powe pounds of body weight and I gave your pretty good average in October 24 hour period so go ahead and when I would suggest the client is just measure that you know where you're putting get your measuring the amount of water in their bowl and under that over a 24 hour period and typically by the time you're seeing your dog is gone underlying conditions at this Cushing's disease

they're drinking far in excess of that you know that's why you generally as a
pet owner and take notice of that and bring your dog into the matter what causes Cushing disease or hypertension criticism so they did these itself is caused by an increasing amount of quarters also not don't worry man that's proved produced by glands located him bring your pet to kidney adrenal gland is one of the left or right kidney and get there to prepare your pet for the

fight-or-flight response you know where they've got to react to it dad it's
released at times when you bought it they they need to react to its pretty fat sugar into the bloodstream retaining sodium retaining water in preparation for an action but during this disease your your body is constantly flooded with thing this increased cortisol producing all these secondary clinical changes it was preparing to seeing

increased during the increased urination the muscle wasting you know anything
left untreated especially in advanced cases of Cushing's disease you put your dog or risk for bladder stones at risk for diabetes at risk for stroke there are three primary causes of Cushing's disease in dogs majority of cases over 80% are caused by a benign tumor the pituitary gland which is located the base and our dogs bringing it produces a hormone called ATT age and that

stimulate that's produced that stimulates the adrenal gland to release
the court as well as you can imagine when there's a benign tumor too much ACTH is produce and you have the signs you have increased cortisol designs of Cushing's disease the next most common about 15 percent or caused by a primary adrenal tumor disregard of tumor growing on the adrenal gland itself producing too much cortisol and lastly you can be iatrogenic or drug induced

this case we bought a dog has allergies is on long-term doses of prednisone and
frankly that's the story and yes the body's going to work to try to cut ACTH production credit card its natural on cortisol production but eventually get overwhelmed and then you can see all those same clinical signs and i just discussed earlier that PPT the distended abdomen as far as her coats and aftercare laws may have other things excessive panting the pacing so all

those similar clinical signs diagnosis low-dose doc suppression test this is
the most accurate and confirming Cushing's disease about 90% of dogs will test positive normal if you give dexamethasone healthy dog the pituitary gland will sense this and you'll see you drop in blood cortisol in a dog with Cushing's disease usually tumor there's no drop in blood cortisol eight hours after giving the injection the major part of diagnosis is differentiating

between pituitary and adrenal tumors that caused this is important to know
because treatment is very different for each type if there's an adrenal tumor is present there's a 50% chance of it being ligament surgery is an option and that the tumor may be removed if the causes pituitary than medical options for the treatment of choice first before I discuss treatment I want to discuss a couple things just because

your dog has been diagnosed with Cushing's disease doesn't that he needs
to be treated for it eventually they're just a couple options are going to show you those in the next slide and at the same point there is a number is a few different alternative options they definitely would have you consider but how do you take the clinton that typically we're looking at an older dog some of these 10 to 13 and we'd be looking at very same basic treatment especially. The conventional nuns and if your dog just has models on our Yankees
drinking a bit more on the bathroom are often is valujet's wings got a little bit of a loss here not in part and parcel you can live with that is knowing full well so long he's not in practice down nearly 80% of these guys it's caused by a benign tumor glad something they can live with find that's not going to be the cause of death the big points to looking at treating or one in the series advanced cases where there's just this beyond excessive drinking excessive urination excessive panting his ravenous appetite all those big clinical signs the secondary muscle wasting that that can then put you at risk for things like diabetes for things its role in that case then you seriously need to look at some true especially conventional options but we're looking at a dog that has symptoms not as bad as does that then by all means consider some of these older treatment pictured
here is a pretty classic dog with Cushing's disease oldsmar breed dog sparse hair Co products symmetric hair loss distended abdomen there primarily to conventional options to consider and reading her dog for Cushing's disease like the dream is an older cytotoxic drug which destroys part of the pituitary gland has serious side effects have given as an overdose.
Can give your dog a condition called addison's disease trailer stain is the
newer drug that is treating dogs for Cushing's disease with fewer side effects it works by inhibiting andreani enzymes therefore lowering the blood cortisol antioxidants now I want to get to some of the alternative options and Cushing's disease the south are more prone to injury from the high cortisol levels the three most important antioxidants and vitamin E vitamin E and selenium these
are basking in combination giving a hundred national units of vitamin E hundred milligrams of vitamin C and twenty micrograms of selenium per 10 pounds of body weight daily kirkum in 88 secreting pituitary tumors are one of the most common causes of Cushing's disease in this one studies at using to Terry tumor cells from eyes this lab studies show that curcumin suppressed.

ACTH secretion hansel lowering cortisol levels something I've never heard of it
something you really should be considering doses of the 95% curcumin Islands is a hundred milligrams per ten-pound the body weight daily ginkgo this her husband John to reduce cortisol production of enter a drug called anna belle the dose of the teamsters one girl per pound of body weight twice daily the dried concentrated extract is also available giving it a dose of three milligrams per pound of body weight daily homeopathic product for Cushing's disease there's a combination homeopathic under the brand name could share which has helped some dogs it contains dandelion burdock astragalus arsenic and 30 °c ourself their EC workers 30 °c in sulfur 30 see the last one I wanted to discuss their depositions and these in particular are used for people when they're going in
 there being treated for adrenal fatigue and when they're being treated that
primarily because they have too much cortisol in their body and so what these particular treatments are the use of adoptions and their unique herbs have the ability to help the body deal with stress and lower cortisol which is what we're trying to do the three most important ones are asked what ganda herbe.

Siberian ginseng and rhodiola thank you for watching
50 degrees but I want you to do now is to click that link above that can subscribe to my channel and you can go ahead and click that link the box below you can see them i three books and videos your dogs at home with my cock natural remedy.

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