Pet Animals Agility

hello I'm Kelly this is my home all of my animal friends come to visit me here some of the animals are pets who live in the house do you have Pat let's see what cats come to visit my help yeah this is a dog my friends of dog has heard he likes to play with me bout dog dog let's say it together dog that's great this is a cat she also has fur my cat friend likes to lie in the Sun can't I can't let's get together ok excellent yeah there's a fish my friends wish list in the water fish fish wait with me this I them there is a rabbit rabbit also have further my rabbit friend like to eat vegetables rabbit rabbit let's stay together read it super it's game time all right thanks so glad you're here let's complete the best puzzle what animal is this shape pick the right animal fish rabbit dog fish rabbit all right the rabbit was the right piece let's find the next piece of the puzzle fish can dog I that's great the right piece of the puzzle was a dog let's find the next piece of the puzzle fish I can fish cat great the right piece of the puzzle was a cat what is the last missing piece in the puzzle fish all right the fish was the right piece great you completed the whole pets puzzle we will continue playing later in the meantime let's see a movie a few little rabbits have decided to take a walk in the meadow rabbits love each other very much and like to spend all their time together yeah rabbits live in big groups called colonies all the rabbits in a colony sleep play and eat together cats may not like baths but they are very clean animals they washed by licking themselves all over they have a special tongue that helps keep them clean just like a sponge dogs are very good friends they are kind and cute and love spending time with people barking is a dog's way of saying things and just like people some dogs have more to save than others the next time you meet a barking dog you can try and figure out what he's trying to say did you know that many animals live underwater like fish some fish live in salty water like the ocean others live in rivers and lakes and some even live in fish tanks in our homes baby fish can swim from the minute they are born they don't even need their mommy or daddy to teach them how to swim amazing Shh that was funny now it's time to get back to the game welcome back this is the rabbit I didn't pick the rabbit and help him get to his garden ok right the rabbit is eating in his garden look that is a doghouse choose the dog and help him get home yeah ok yeah just that's great the dog is in his doghouse that is a cat bed choose the cat and help him get to his bed ok all right the cat is napping in his bed that is a fish bowl pick the fish and help him get to his bowl really the fish is swimming in his fish bowl that was a great game all my friends are in their homes now that was so much fun great game now it's right time animals I love them all whether they are big or small in the sky the land the sea they bring joy to you and me cats are happy when they / dogs have soft and lovely fur rabbits they know how to hop fish can swim and never stop animals light up my day feed them pet them watch them play that was so much fun I can't wait to see you again.

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